Apapat J. Glynn current role is Exhibition and Volunteer Coordinator at the Portico Library.
A 218-year-old historic library and gallery in central Manchester, UK.
Follow the link to see what's on.
Past Exhibitions 2019 BKK, Thailand

Artist: Dooood Group
31.08.2019 - 28.09.2019
As young kids learning to be proper fully grown human, we were
put in school and were introduced to the concept of the 4 basic human needs. In the Thai curriculum, that includes; food, shelter, medicine, and clothing. We memorized these objects as
essentials that keep us safe healthy and alive.
Over time, the 4 basic necessities remain in the same categories
but look and feel different. As civilization progresses, our views on these basic needs shifted. We are surrounded by an abundance of objects that provide mental and physical comfort that we became possessive of things, to the point that we forget their original purposes. This is the effect ‘time’ has on us, but never on
the nature of our basic needs.
Post Rape; the power of the muted voice,
Artist: J.Moore
27.07.2019 - 18.08.2019
This exhibition is created by the curiosity of exploring one's self and the power of the muted voice within one's self after sexual harassment. The artist has discovered the silence within sexual harassment victims that screams out loud.
Showing how repressed the silence is, therefore using this element as the main context of telling this story, by knitting material that has been collected from other victims such as clothes, bedsheets, fabric, all together and embroidering sound waves that are from interviewing victims.

The Unspoken Word
Artist and Curator
Apapat Jai-in Glynn
With support from
her parents and husband, and her friends: Raddawan Tayarachakul, Duanwisakha Cholsiri, Chittakarn Suwannabhut.
Kinjai Contemporary team: Sahawat Theparop, Yada Riddhimut, Pukky Phanita Krainara and Nattha Phatthanako
15.06.2019 - 07.07.2019
Regrets, in a way, it is considered as an issue that most of us deny confronting with or talk about. Therefore, it appears to be a word that was unspoken it is the stories which never been told. Unspoken words are usually the most important as they are the hidden secrets or the truth it is a key to explore people’s mind through their decisions and consequences that come with it.
Regret can describe not only the aversion for an action that has been committed but also, the regret of inaction that is a people’s wish to do something in the past. Exploring people’s life lesson through their sincere confession is a trigger of memory which leads to what deeply lies beneath inside us than what we present ourselves to the world. Hopefully, a number of honest regrets convey by the contributors in this show, can give a hopeful message to those who drowned in blue.
This exhibition brings sixteen regretful stories from both perspectives of actions of ordinary people pairing with everyday life object (in Photograph format) owned by them as a witness of regret matter reveal to the public sight for the first time to create a space of extraordinary remembrance, discovery and examination of us, the humans of today.
Beyond Autism,
Artists: YaiPoeng
and Naipran
27.04.2019 - 19.05.2019
The word ‘special’ has a sense of good, positive and distinction in it. On the other hand, when we combine the word ‘special’ and ‘children’ it usually means children with special needs.
We usually called children with autism as children with special needs; the symptoms are included in the 9 types of ‘Disability’ Category, from a positive meaning of ‘special’ we received when using in Medical term it is quite an opposite feeling far from positivity.
Naipran ‘distinction’ becomes normal when he’s with Yaipoeng, his older sister; it’s been 23 years that Poeng spends her lives with Naipran since he was born. From other people perspective, it might seem worrying to live with children with special needs, the symptom that has no cure.
Many people would try to avoid the situation occurring Special needs child but for Poeng, who has an interest in Art chose to invite her brother to express his feelings through brushstroke, colours and Ceramic clay. Poeng let Naipran draw and paint without pressure but instead, she helps and acts as his friend to make him being true to himself.
Poeng uses Art therapy to help with Naipran’s emotion, attitude and his potential development. Naiprans’ artwork shows the children with special needs has the capability of creation and can work with normal people when they have given a chance.
This exhibition will give you a new perspective towards children with special needs that they should have equality like other people in society to work, to establish and to be proud of themselves without being a burden to the society.

A Little
Bit of
Artists: Primiita and Slverwater
15.12.2018 - 15.01.2019
A little bit of us” A small part of sharing, a share places and a part that we reduce a bit of yourself to be “ us ”. Both artists have a different style, different affection but at the same time, they’re sharing many things together like lifestyle aspect.These small things make them connected. Its a place that they don't have to put too much effort and place that they feel welcome and get to know each other by spending their time together by adding effort and reduce a bit of identity.
The best way to presenting the space that they’re using together is to let the feeling go and get lost. Presenting thought and emotion by using human shape because its show facial expressing, body language and talking about a relationship between human. So, this is another language that can describe abstract emotion.
“A little bit of us” that interfere in artwork compare with lifestyle and how they spending time together. It’s a method that they chose to present the simplicity of thought and pure feeling that happens when two people living together.